Our Story

2010 -2015

In the Chennai Springs, there was a young man, and he had a dream. He wanted to start his own leather business in Chennai, the bustling city where he lived. He had a passion for craftsmanship and a keen eye for quality. But he had a problem. He didn't have the funds to start his business.

He didn't let that stop him. He believed in the saying, "Where there's a will, there's a way." He got a job at a local leather factory, where he learned how to craft and design his own products. He was eager to get feedback on his creations from the public. He made a well-designed glassy finish leather wallet and sold it to some of his colleagues for 400 Rupees each. He didn't care about the profit, he only cared about his passion for leather goods and selling them. He was happy when he sold his items.

But life was not easy. He faced many hurdles along the way. He had to put his business idea on hold, but not his dreams. He ventured into different fields to earn money, He saved every rupee he could. His fire for his dreams grew stronger. He wanted to make his dream a reality.


He looked for an offline store to start his business, but it was too expensive. He faced many challenges in selling his products in the open air. He realized that he would not reach his potential customers in a limited area. He wanted to expand his horizons. He decided to build an online store. He worked hard for a year and launched his store in 2023. He finally achieved his goal after years of hard work and sleepless nights.


2023 - Present

I have made my journey from the Indian wilderness of Chennai to Bengaluru in search of the values, traditions, and history that inspired our brand. Our new home would provide the perfect backdrop to embody the spirit of our southern roots. where we could remain connected with our rugged lifestyle



What you are reading now is the real story of Leather Shopie. It is a testament to his perseverance and dedication. It is a showcase of his craftsmanship and quality. It is a reflection of his passion and vision.


This is not only a story but truly an inspiration,


“LeatherShopie” story is an inspiration. It shows that no dream is too big, and no dreamer too small. It shows that it's not about how you start, but how you finish. And most importantly, it shows that you should never give up on your dreams, but keep the fire alive, always.


Most importantly,


Discovering the finest selection of leather products at our online shop, where quality meets craftsmanship. Experience the luxury of pure animal leather, tailored to perfection for your style!


This shop came out from a real man who roars for his passionate dreams. He always wanted to provide the best products in a best price as Indians we like always.


To know more, you could probably shop few items to get his dreams on your hands on https://leathershopie.in/


Thanks in advance for purchasing or inspiring.